Democratic Education: Orientation

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Start date
Wednesday, March 3, 2021

End date
Thursday, March 25, 2021

16 hours over 8 days
(two days a week)

2:00 PM – 4:00 PM IST
8:30 AM – 10:30 AM UTC

with practicum at your location

Democratic Education: Orientation

What is Democratic Education? Is it essential for schools? Is it only for schools or could it be for any organization that wants to be part of contemporary society? What are the elements of democracy that were part of different cultures at different times? What can we include now into our organizations, into our lives? How do we implement and practice it? What is our understanding of the Constitution? What is a democratic structure? How do we bring in a democratic culture into our lives, at home or in the organisation, or the classroom?

Can we enable the next generation to experience a democratic culture in their daily lives, while being true to their own self and have the courage to create a fair, just, human society?

Democratic Education: Constructing a Democratic Culture

Growing up, usually in a hierarchical society, in authoritarian families and rigid school systems, it is difficult for persons to make the shift to being democratic and setting up democratic communities, be it a school, a workplace, or a nation. Often structures are easily put in place, but to build the culture of democracy is not an off-hand act. If one can experience democracy in one’s life, get a taste of it, it is easier to recreate it in one’s life, whatever the situation may be.

Issues of inclusion, of gender, of people with special needs, of power and domination, may also surface for discussion, reflection and action.

Workshops are held to de-structure the self, to trace notions one has and to enhance the democratic beings in each of ourselves, as unique and as universal as one is, while being in touch with one’s community.

People from a range of situations may participate to add to the richness of the dialogue.

These are held periodically, every three months and announced in various forums.

Course Fee Structure

Category A: India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, The Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka

Application Fee
₹ 1,000

Course Fee
₹ 17,000

Including GST – Goods and Service Tax by Government of India

Category B: Asia, Africa, S America

Application Fee
US $ 50

Course Fee
US $ 350

Including GST – Goods and Service Tax by Government of India

Category C: N America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand

Application Fee
US $ 50

Course Fee
US $ 450

Including GST – Goods and Service Tax by Government of India