Montessori Elementary Course 2024-25
Admissions are open until Sat 23rd Sep 2023. A one-year online blended Montessori Elementary program for teachers, educators and parents to understand the whole child in the age group, 6 yrs to 12 yrs, the second plane of development. The curriculum covers the syllabi in most countries for Class 1 to 8, the Elementary school.
A 10 month online blended Montessori Preprimary course for teachers, educators and parents to understand the whole child in the age group, 2 ½ yrs to 6 yrs, the first plane of development. The curriculum covers the syllabi in most countries for Pre KG to Class 1.
Democratic Learning & Living – Online Workshop Series
Discover the democratic principles for any space and daily life at the upcoming workshop, 'Democratic Learning and Living', with frontline thinker and ideator, Yaacov Hecht, an internationally renowned educator.
The Montessori Method: A Personal Journey of Self-Transformation
The Montessori approach has underlined the importance of introducing concepts at the right time, in the right way. During the training of educators or workshops for parents, it may be done in a particular sequence with the assumption that adults know the concept and have to be shown only the way to offer these to the children, so that children are not ‘told’ but they discover the concept for themselves.
Happy Teachers Day!
The Montessori approach has underlined the importance of introducing concepts at the right time, in the right way. During the training of educators or workshops for parents, it may be done in a particular sequence with the assumption that adults know the concept and have to be shown only the way to offer these to the children, so that children are not ‘told’ but they discover the concept for themselves.