Preparation for the Academic Year

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Topic: Elements of Elementary – Preparation for the Academic Year
Date: Wednesday, 10th April 2019
Time: 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Anchor: Nalini Tangaturu
Resource Persons:
Pooja Pandit, Head, the Earth School
Sowmya Arunajatesan, Elementary teacher and Education Consultant
C.S Jayashree, Coordinator, Anweshana Montessori School

Preparation for the academic year in a Montessori elementary environment could be critical in helping to plan for the new academic year starting in June and to plan for each child. It could ensure that we are in charge, manage effectively, while being flexible within the framework, allowing us to be in tune with the single child, a group or the class community.

The following topics were covered in the session, with each resource person leading a group in one area

  • Curriculum planning – Goal setting for children – Classroom Rules

The anchor, Nalini Tanguturu has a B.Tech. in Electronics & Communication from S.V. University, Tirupati and has worked as a Performance Architect at American Express and AT&T.

While taking a break from her career to be full time with her three children, she had come across the Montessori methodology. Her natural inclination towards understanding childhood and to understand how a child’s intelligence blossoms, attracted her and led her to pursue the Montessori elementary course from IMTC-Central.

She is currently working as an Elementary teacher in Nurture Montessori House of Children.