Indian Knowledge Systems: From the Tribes of Andhra-Telangana

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Indian Knowledge Systems

From the Tribes of Andhra-Telangana: Kondadoralu – Lords of Hills

  • Description: The Kondadarulu in their regal ways have been living in the Dandakaranya forests in harmony with their environment since time immemorial and over the generations have created not just a collection of information but a wealth of categorised knowledge. Dr Sivaramakrishna as a Ph.D student got interested and has documented their practices, their oral traditions and worldview over many years and set up Sakti, for them, which includes a tribal knowledge park in the office campus at Ramapachodavaram in East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh, India. He is happy to share his lifetime’s work with educators in an attempt to take this rare knowledge of the forests, of the creatures, of the plants to the next generation.

Anchor: Dr. P.Sivaramakrishna

  • Director of SAKTI a non-governmental organization working for welfare of tribes, Conservation of natural resources and disaster preparedness and management.
  • Doctorate on Tribal knowledge systems from Osmania university of Hyderabad
  • Regional committee member: CAPART Ministry of Rural Development; Government of India.
  • Member in the committee convened by the State govt. to resolve land disputes between tribal and non-tribes in West Godavari District A.P.
  • Member in the committee convened by govt. of A.P. to define the “Forest Area” as per the directions of Supreme Court of India.
  • Member of the PESA research award committee of NIRD (National Institute of Rural Development) supported by UNDP 
  • Member of Expert Committee of Alluri Sita Rama Raju museum under construction in Visakhapatnam city . AP
  • Invited by the “Scheduled area and Scheduled tribes commission” to assist in finalizing the report on Andhra Pradesh.
  • Trained bare foot land surveyors for SERP (An organization having chief minister as chair person to implement poverty elimination programme with the support of world Bank)
  • Member State board of Wild life.
  • Training the officials of Tribal welfare department in implementing the “Recognition of rights in the forests.”
  • Site coordinator for IWMI (International Water Management Institute) on the study of Godavari Krishna River linking.
  • Consultant for CESS (Centre for Economic and Social Studies) Hyderabad in the studies on the rehabilitation of the displaced by Indira Sagar Polavaram) Project 
  • Prepared report on water governance in Andhra Pradesh. Partner in the study of Basin governance taken up by SPWD, Delhi 
  • Consultant to the citizen’s report on home stead and land rights in Tsunami affected areas in the east coast of South India commissioned by Action Aid, Chennai.
  • Member of advisory committee Alluri Sita Ramaraju Museum committee  Visakhapatnam

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