Wisdom of Ayurveda on the Dining Table

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Topic: Wisdom of Ayurveda on the Dining Table

Date: Saturday, 10th December & Sunday 11th December 2016

Time: 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM IST

Anchor: Amukta Mahapatra

Resource Persons: Dr. Nikhil Mehta; Cata Fuentes; Blanca Obyrne

The basic purpose of this workshop is to empower every individual with knowledge about healthy living and to enable the participant to take complete control of one’s own health. The workshop will encompass the best among the eastern wisdom and western science to make it a complete integrated approach to health. The basic philosophy is based upon the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.

This workshop will enable the participant to become aware about the intricate and dynamic connections between food, body, mind and our environment and thus enable us to regain the lost communication between us and our body. Once we have this simple knowledge about our food and our life-style, it will enable us to keep one healthy without any complicated modern medical system. It is not our destiny that we are sick, but it is our ignorance about right living or not following right lifestyle that makes us sick.

The workshop will not only introduce the participants about the concepts of Ayurveda but will also cover details on Panchmahabhoota (five elements) theory, Tri-dosha theory (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), six taste theory, digestive fire and food concepts, household remedies, Panchkarma and importance of mental health. This will also enable the participant to make dynamic changes in our food based on our body constitution, environment; will also enable us of ways of “listening to our body” and creating the environment.