Embarking on a journey, one needs to gather many things together – first of all – our wits, we need this around us all the time; what else do we carry with us, what do we leave behind, what do we throw out, what is the clutter in our life, what is precious…?
That is hopefully perhaps the journey for each of us in the coming year, when we may give ourselves the time and opportunity to analyse and reflect what we are made of, how come such feelings and judgments lurk within us, where do these notions suddenly surface…what is the energy within us that we can bring together…that is the main preparation of the educator, of our personhood…
In the course there are three arms of preparation – the knowledge base, especially at the elementary level where subject disciplines themselves are vast, covering a minimum of six- seven years of the curriculum; the skill training and the third what Montessori called the spiritual preparation…
Even as we are faculty members, mentors and trainers, every course we go through, we too continue our spiraling process of the learning journey, which is a continuum….
Welcome each of you, students, faculty, resource people and the larger community of SchoolScape….walk with us…we know not where we go, where we will reach, but let every step be on the path that is right for each of us…